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- Create Date 15 July 2022
- Last Updated 15 July 2022
Enabling Federated Interoperable Issue Management in a Building and Construction Sector
A Common Data Environment (CDE) is an agreed-upon source of information on building-related projects to collect, manage, and exchange data between stakeholders. The approach in the AEC domain is to use buildingSMART’s BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) as the digital issue communication part of CDEs. Contrasting with the federated nature of the AEC industry, CDEs are typically organised in a centralised fashion. This work proposes a potential transition of BCF into a distributed environment that serves as an example for further developments in the distribution of CDEs and CDE independent data management. We show how a single source of truth over the project data and the advantages of the central approach can be realised in a distributed setup using a Solid architecture environment, enabling decentralised authentication and stakeholders’ ability to control their data.