D7.2 – Planning and Management of the field test operations for beta testing
D7.2 – Planning and Management of the field test operations for beta testing This report initiates the task that will be carried out during the year 2021, specifically in the relation to the three pilot sites: France, Italy and Spain. The conclusions of the testing will be provided to the tools developers and will help […]
D9.7 – BIM4REN Training Program
BIM4REN Training Program The deliverable summarizes the results of the choices and decisions made by partners on the way of exploiting the body of knowledge produced in BIM4REN project. The scope of the training activity proposed in the project is two-fold: a long-term scope of educating future professionals or non BIMusers to assume a different […]
D3.2 – Technical Study and User Guide on scan2BIM Technologies
Technical Study and User Guide on scan2BIM Technologies This deliverable summarizes the various technologies used in the frame of the T3.2 ‘Efficient tools for the creation of a geometric BIM model’ to produce a digital model from an existing building to be renovated. After an introduction on the main notions manipulated in this area, a […]
D9.4 – Public Communication Materials
Design & description of BIM4Ren public communication materials. This document contains the set of BIM4Ren public communication materials. The communication materials described in this document where delivered in M6 of the project and are the following: the project presentation, the roll-up poster, the brochure and the flyer. The corporate identity with the BIM4Ren logo […]
D1.2 – Digital collaborative workflow of the building renovation process
Digitalization of the renovation process based on stakeholder’s requirements and constraints. This deliverable summarizes the activities carried out in task T1.2 – Digitalisation of the building renovation process. It describes the methodology applied to transform the implicit knowledge from the stakeholders involved in a renovation process and their current practices, which are not structured […]
D1.1 – Stakeholders’ requirements and constrains
Elicitation of stakeholder’s requirements and constraints for the renovation process. The Energy retrofitting of the European Building stock is one of the most effective measures to accomplish the EU Objectives in terms of sustainability and low carbon economy. Energy retrofitting offers tangible benefits beyond energy cost saving, including the reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction […]